How Dangerous is an Untreated Dental Infection - toorak dentist

How Dangerous is an Untreated Dental Infection?

How Dangerous is an Untreated Dental Infection - toorak dentist

A dental infection can be anybody’s nightmare. Many people think that oral health problems won’t pose serious effects on one’s health but wait until your dentist tells the scary truth about them.

Oral health problems such as dental infections shouldn’t be taken lightly. You may have heard about tooth decay and gum disease, but you might have no idea how serious they can become when disregarded.

Dental infections can become life-threatening when they develop from an untreated dental abscess. An abscess is an accumulation of pus, which composed of white blood cells, dead tissue and germs. When the infection spreads, complications arise. Fortunately, with the help of certain dental procedures, your dentist can help prevent the detrimental health effects of dental infection.

Holiday Oral Health Tips and Tooth-Friendly Foods for Teeth

Holiday Oral Health Tips and Tooth-Friendly Foods for Teeth

It’s the busiest time of the year, but don’t let your oral health fall behind. Aside from worrying about your waistline and other health concerns that can come to mind every holiday, it’s also important to remember your teeth if you want to avoid post-holiday cavities and toothaches.

Your dental professionals here at Simply Smiles Dental would like to remind you not to eat too much sugary treats during the holiday season and give you some friendly tips that would greatly benefit your precious teeth and overall health.