Overseas Dental Care Vs Local Dental Care

Overseas Dental Care Vs Local Dental Care

Dental treatment is what many of us dread the most. This is not so much because of the need to attend what seems like endless appointments and the need to adjust one’s weekly diary to comply, but the amount of money it costs too.

In fact, some cosmetic treatment requires the need to compile a savings plan so that the cost can be distributed over a period of time.

As a result of these costs and the never ending dream of a beautiful smile you may look for other options, such as getting dental treatment overseas. Many dental services in countries such as Thailand throw their cost effective professional services at us claiming that the savings you will make will supplement a holiday in Thailand lounging around on a delightful tropical beach with a great apartment close at hand.

The Anatomy Of A Tooth

The Anatomy of a Tooth

In a lifetime you will have two complete sets of teeth. First, are the primary teeth or baby teeth. Children usually have 20 teeth.

A baby starts getting teeth at six months and lose them at age 13 years. The roots on primary teeth are not as deep or firmly fixed in the bone as permanent teeth.

The permanent teeth or adult teeth come in between ages 6 and 14 years old.

There are 32 adult teeth in a typical mouth. These teeth should last a lifetime. The enamel of a tooth is the hardest material in your body. It has to withstand the impact of chewing and grinding food.

Why A Root Canal Treatment Is Always Preferred Over Extraction

Root Canal Treatment

When your grandparents were young, people thought nothing of extracting a tooth that was deeply infected and causing pain. Anesthesia and dental instruments weren’t nearly as sophisticated as they are now, and root canal therapy earned a reputation for being scary and painful.

Modern dentistry has come a long way, however, and your dentist Melbourne at Simply Smiles in South Yarra and Toorak always strives to save your natural teeth rather than extract them.

Is Xerostomia Causing Your Bad Breath?

Is Xerostomia Causing Your Bad Breath?

We all have bad breath on occasion, and correcting it is often as simple as brushing and flossing.

However, one condition that may prompt you to seek bad breath treatment from your dentist Melbourne is dry mouth.

Also called xerostomia, this condition is characterised by inadequate saliva production, and it can lead to problems far worse than foul breath.

Your Options For Teeth Whitening

Your Options For Teeth Whitening

Are you self-conscious about opening your mouth in front of others because of your stained teeth?

Coffee, tea, curries, red wine and even the natural aging process can leave your teeth discoloured and dull, but luckily, this is one of the easiest cosmetic dental problems to correct.

All it takes is a professional teeth whitening treatment administered by your Toorak cosmetic dentist at Simply Smiles Dental.

Oral Cancer Screening: An Important Part of Your Six-Month Checkup

Oral Cancer Screening

You already know that your dentist checks for cavities and gum disease at each six-month dental checkup, but you may not be aware of the life-saving screening he performs during these visits.

While peering inside your mouth to check your teeth and gums, your dentist Melbourne at Simply Smiles Dental is also looking for signs of oral cancer.