Is Xerostomia Causing Your Bad Breath?

Is Xerostomia Causing Your Bad Breath?

We all have bad breath on occasion, and correcting it is often as simple as brushing and flossing.

However, one condition that may prompt you to seek bad breath treatment from your dentist Melbourne is dry mouth.

Also called xerostomia, this condition is characterised by inadequate saliva production, and it can lead to problems far worse than foul breath.

Your Options For Teeth Whitening

Your Options For Teeth Whitening

Are you self-conscious about opening your mouth in front of others because of your stained teeth?

Coffee, tea, curries, red wine and even the natural aging process can leave your teeth discoloured and dull, but luckily, this is one of the easiest cosmetic dental problems to correct.

All it takes is a professional teeth whitening treatment administered by your Toorak cosmetic dentist at Simply Smiles Dental.

Oral Cancer Screening: An Important Part of Your Six-Month Checkup

Oral Cancer Screening

You already know that your dentist checks for cavities and gum disease at each six-month dental checkup, but you may not be aware of the life-saving screening he performs during these visits.

While peering inside your mouth to check your teeth and gums, your dentist Melbourne at Simply Smiles Dental is also looking for signs of oral cancer.

Choosing Veneers to Correct Your Smile

Dentist Melbourne: Choosing Veneers to Correct Your Smile

Have you resigned yourself to living with not-so-perfect teeth because you think that correcting them would involve two years of wearing braces or months of painful, extensive procedures?

If so, you may be surprised to learn that many cosmetic dental issues can be treated in just two appointments at Simply Smiles Dental.

Even better, you’ll experience little or no discomfort during your procedure and may not even need a local anesthetic. If you think this sounds too good to be true, you need to learn the facts about Melbourne porcelain veneer placement.

The Extra Benefits Of Cosmetic Dentistry

The Extra Benefits Of Cosmetic Dentistry

You can easily turn your dream smile into reality with Cosmetic Dentistry.

Nowadays, improving your smile can be such a breeze. With more advanced equipment and more efficient techniques used in dentistry, your trusted cosmetic dentists at Simply Smiles Dental can proficiently give you the dazzling smile that you have always wanted.

Then again, the gains that you can enjoy after undergoing cosmetic dental treatment are not limited to improving your physical appearance alone. They go way beyond just that.

Porcelain Veneers In Melbourne Can Work Your Teeth To Perfection

Porcelain Veneers In Melbourne Can Work Your Teeth To Perfection

However, you might not be able to do so as much as you like because you are too anxious that someone might notice your damaged teeth.

If your smile is far from being perfect, you smile a lot less due to the embarrassment that your chipped, crooked, misaligned, or discoloured teeth brings. This can have grave implications on your self-esteem and self-worth.

That is why it is essential for you to explore the various ways in which your trusted dental experts at Simply Smiles Dental can provide. Today, one of the most popular treatments in cosmetic dentistry is the use of Porcelain Veneers. Lots and lots of people are choosing this as the solution to their respective cosmetic dental problems due to the wide range of advantages that it bears.

Dental Bridges In Melbourne: Bridging The Gaps In Your Precious Smile

A small gap in your smile can cause much disturbance in your life.

What are Dental Bridges?

Dental Bridges actually bridge the gap in your smile as a result of one or more missing teeth. These tooth replacement tools are composed of two dental crowns and the false teeth in between them. The dental crowns are placed on top of the teeth on either side of the gap.

The treatment is a non-surgical dental treatment procedure which gives you realistic, natural-looking teeth. Today, Dental Bridges in Melbourne have become a very popular choice to replace missing teeth because of its many advantages.

Mouth Guards In Melbourne Prevent Dental And Oral Injuries In Sports

Mouth Guards In Melbourne and How To Prevent Dental And Oral Injuries In Sports

Mouth Guards In Melbourne Prevent Dental And Oral Injuries In Sports

Dental injuries are very common during recreational and athletic activities. People of all ages, including children, experience cut lips, bitten tongue, chipped teeth, and even knocked-off teeth while playing their favorite sports. All of these injuries are part of the game, or so they say.

Then again, there is a way to prevent these without ever compromising your comfort and performance. To do so, experts highly recommend that you use custom Mouth Guards from Simply Smiles Dental in Melbourne.