When asked about dental problems, tooth decay most probably comes to your mind first.
Tooth decay results from damage in your tooth enamel. This is caused by the bacteria in your mouth. As they feed on food particles, they produce acids that attack your teeth. In time, they destroy your tooth enamel and cause cavities to form. If taken lightly, a simple tooth decay leads to infection, pain, and even tooth loss.
Before your precious teeth suffer from decay, see to it that they are protected today. Proper oral hygiene is a definite plus in this endeavor. However, the quest does not end there. It is more prudent to get your dose of Topical Fluoride Treatment today. Along with other effective preventative measures, this gives your teeth absolute protection from the perils of tooth decay.
What is Topical Fluoride Treatment?
Fluoride, along with calcium and phosphorous, is important in fighting tooth decay. Although it can be found in common foods and in drinking water, it is highly recommended to get a more efficient source of fluoride. Topical Fluoride Treatment is the application of a strong fluoride-containing substance on your teeth. The fluoride is allowed to seep into the tiny pores of your teeth. It then combines with the enamel structure. This adds to the strength and durability of your teeth. Also, this minimizes the damage caused by bacteria.
What does Topical Fluoride Treatment do?
Topical Fluoride Treatment gives your teeth a chance to remineralize. During the treatment, your teeth are exposed to a controlled concentration of fluoride. This gives your teeth the necessary materials to renew its damaged structures. Not only that, reminalization makes your teeth more resistant to acid. As a result, your risks of having tooth decay is greatly reduced, if not completely eliminated. This makes Topical Fluoride Treatment a vital part of the Dental Cleans and Dental Checkups in Melbourne.
After the treatment, some fluoride ions stay with the saliva in your mouth. This offers additional protection from the harmful acid. Even with insufficient saliva, the presence of these ions neutralizes the acids produced by bacteria. It decreases the overall acidity in your mouth. This makes Topical Fluoride Treatment also a suitable therapy for people experiencing dry mouth.
Why is Topical Fluoride Treatment important?
Every day, bacteria feed on food particles inside your mouth. Therefore, the acids they produce keep on damaging your teeth. For this reason, it is important to make and keep your teeth resistant to acid. Moreover, if your teeth have already been damaged, Topical Fluoride Treatment can repair and revitalize your teeth. Consistent treatment with fluoride reverts the detrimental effects of enamel erosion. With this, tooth decay and other oral concerns can be prevented way before they become too much to manage.
In essence, Topical Fluoride Treatment in Melbourne prevents tooth decay using different approaches. This makes it a very effective way to keep your teeth absolutely clean and healthy. Still, it is important to practice proper oral hygiene and healthy habits. For comprehensive guidance in dental and oral care, come to Simply Smiles Dental.
“Everybody Deserves To Smile”
At Simply Smiles Dental, we believe that dentistry is not a luxury, and that everybody deserves to smile. Thats why we keep our prices fair and offer solutions to suit every budget.
We make this investment in you because we’re pretty confident that you’ll be pleasantly surprised when you meet us. Our level of work and patient care ethic is first class.
Contact our Toorak dental office on (03) 9826 2220 or book online.
We are Medibank members choice dentist and Hcf members choice dentist.
(We are located in the Toorak Village, in the heart of Toorak and serve patients from Toorak, South Yarra, Prahran, Windsor, Southbank, South Melbourne, Port Melbourne, Malvern, Albert Park, Melbourne CBD, and from all Melbourne metro areas.)